What the hell does it mean when people tell me "You have a familiar face!"? I've had people stare at me at a bus station whispering, "Doesn't he look like Carson Daley?" Who else do I look like? Lord..... As if losing my individuality in the military was bad enough, now I also remind people of someone else. Whatever... check out the http://www.fat-pie.com if you thought you were depressed before....
Lauren and Robert, my brother. They have been together for a few years now. I'm very happy for the two of them, even though they haven't tied the knot yet.
These are very close friends of mine. The Bernhardt family. From left to right, Marquita, Rayya, Aidan, and Matthew.
WTF Y'all
The weather just a few hours before Bonnie strikes the coast. Looks like Tyndall AFB, and Mexico Beach are the most likely to be first in the path of this storm as it hits the coast.
Can you see that little bit of cloud poking down from above? That was a water spout. Too bad I couldn't get a better picture. It was fully developed when I saw it in my rear view mirror. Sirens went off when it started to fade.......
Same day, but at night. This guy was chilling 5 feet from my door. He's a harmless one. They call him a ground snake. I live on the third floor, so I called him lost.
Found this in my doorjam yesterday, scared the hell out of me. Anybody know what kind of spider this is?
Can't get enough of my camera.
Mom and dad said she didn't get that from me. *whew* Time for me to quit!